Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's Up Wednesday

Hey y'all! I know I've been a baaaddd blogger lately. Sorry. Here's a bit of a catch up. Just a "what's up" to brighten your wednesday.

1) We visited North Carolina last weekend for the Angels Among Us walk for the Robert Preston Brain Research Center something or another at Duke University. Our friends' son has a brain tumor so there were about 30-35 of us there on Nathan's Faithful Fighters team. We had cute superhero shirts. I'll post pics later.

2) We sold the truck. SAD!!!:( But were trying to downsize a bit and eliminate some bills/debt. We decided we can get around with one car and save ourselves a car payment and insurance. However, now we can't throw the christmas tree in the back of the truck, or go camping in it, and I can't use it as my lunchroom/nap room anymore. But were onto a new adventure.

3) Luke graduates on May 15th. Thats like 16 days away. YAY!!! His mom and stepdad are coming for graduation, so we are pretty excited to see them. Pray for us as were in the home stretch and Luke is trying to finish up all his school work. Senioritis has definitely set in.

4) My job is finally enjoyable again. There was some drama about a month ago or more and it caused me to not want to go to work. Its finally better though. And I've been really busy lately too.

5) I started a new quilt. I know, I haven't finished the last one. Its a stress reliever. Its another purely scrap quilt. Its in pinks and purples. I think it will turn out really cool and I probably won't want to give it to the intended recipient. ha ha. I'm really liking the scrap look. And it has so many more memories to it. I can tell you exactly where each fabric came from. Luke is definitely getting trained in being a quilt husband. He appreciates all the work that goes in to them. He hasn't quite grasped the fabric obsession yet, but were working on it.

6) Speaking of quilts, we got out a beautiful quilt we got for our wedding. One of my old 4-H leaders/mentors made it for us. Its purple, pink, and orange (my fave colors) with a green background. Its so amazing. I love it so much. Its been spring/summer like weather in Lynchburg, so we have downsized to a lighter blanket on the bed and its perfect. It means so much to me too.

7) Big news coming soon. I can't say anything yet. Hopefully two announcements. :)

8) Our friend Lizzie is graduating in a week! yay lizzie!

Not much else is exciting. My mom is on vacation in Hawaii, lucky dog.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beautiful butterfly

I have a thing for butterflies because they are the symbol for lupus. When we were at the chattanooga aquarium we went into a butterfly garden and it was awesome. They were huge! I didn't want to leave. Anyways, today when I left for lunch a butterfly landed on the bushes and hung out while I snapped a few pictures on my phone. Hope you enjoy them.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I can't get over the weather here. Its supposed to be in the 90s today and tomorrow and the 60s and 70s this weekend. It feels like June or July to us Montana kids yet its only April. Bob said its blizzarding in Bozeman. Its blue sky here and lots of sunshine. Yay for the weather in the south!
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