The pregnancy is going pretty well at this point. I am still a little bit nauseated at times and am continuing to take the anti-nausea pill everyday. Its a lot better than it was though! Im also still tired and wear out easily, which can contribute to some nausea. Right now we are 23 weeks of 40, which is about 5.5 months. According to What to Expect When You're Expecting, a trimester is 13 weeks, so I will be 6 months at 26 weeks, in roughly 2.5 weeks. The baby is growing right on schedule. At our appointment a few weeks ago he or she was .75 pounds. It seems like every day my belly is bigger when I wake up. Luke agrees. The baby is also very active. Baby bobcat kicks and moves around a lot. Its really exciting when Luke gets to feel the kick.
I have had some cravings, but not for foods I normally crave, like chocolate. I want macaroni and cheese and hamburger and pickles. Weird. I think I could live off mac and cheese. yum!
We do not know the sex of the baby and don't want to find out. We want to be surprised when he or she comes out. Our friends and relatives are not thrilled about this because it puts a kink in their shopping plans, especially Nanny V's. We have some white and yellow for the beginning. I'm sure the shopping will begin as soon as word is out.
In the meantime, keep praying for a healthy baby!
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