Tuesday, November 30, 2010

25 weeks - Nov. 15th ish

I've been meaning to post these pics, but alas, life gets in the way...
This is me at 25 weeks. Dont mind the funny look on my face: look at my belly.

Right after that my good friend Theresa came through town and we had the pleasure of catching up during lunch at McDonalds. It was Luke, Tree, Caleb, & I. Tree is preggo too! Her baby will be delivered via C-section on February 2, a few weeks before Baby Bobcat is due.

And here is a picture of Caleb. I can't believe he's almost 2! The last time we saw him he was so little!!! He was a little shy at first, but enjoyed the play place at MCDonalds and of course fell in love with Luke. I swear, Luke is like a baby whisperer. Little ones love him. He will be such a great dad!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Update 11/9/10

We went to the doctor yesterday for our 24 week appointment and all is well. He said things are doing great, and I'm right on schedule via weight gain. He did a quick ultrasound and said things look good.

Things I'm noticing:
*I'm pretty sure my belly grows overnight! Luke agrees
*Its getting harder and harder to bend over. I have to sit down to put on my socks. I'm learning to squat more often.
*My appetite has increased like crazy, and my bladder is more and more squished every day. I swear some days all I do is pee and eat, eat and pee. ha ha
*We still don't want to know what the sex is. Sorry Alli & Vicki!
*My parents have started calling the baby "Waldo" because after looking at the ultrasound pics they think its like playing Where's Waldo. This baby is not a Waldo! We much prefer "Baby Bobcat". Hopefully "waldo" doesn't stick.

Cat Griz football is next weekend. Its the Cat's year! We're excited.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Baby Frazier - Ultra Sound

So we finally got around to putting up our ultra sound pics. The first one is the ultra sound at 21 weeks and the second is the the 3D ultra sound at 21 weeks!