Guess what? Baby season is in full swing.
First up:
Isn't he a doll?
Auntie Kelsie is SO excited!
This was the highlight of my weekend! I can't wait to go visit!
In other news: Lupus sucks! I have been having the worst flare! Ive pretty much been confined to bed and the couch since Wednesday. Yuck. Luckily, only one knee hurts now. Its bearable since I can't take the good stuff and attempt to work. I'd be a wackjob. Plus, I can't miss any more work.
He is stinkin adorable!!!!!! You are lucky to by "aunt" Kelsie :-)
ahhhh he's sooo cute! Sorry that you haven't been feeling well Kels! :( I hope you get better soon xoxo
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