Monday, October 6, 2008

Best Birthday EVER!!!!

My birthday started on Friday afternoon when luke and I headed off on an adventure. I didn't know where we were going and he had the GPS unit set up so that I couldn't see it. But first, when we got in the car there was a little zales box waiting for me. What? Yes. My husband bought me BEAUTIFUL chocolate pearl earrings. They are soo gorgous. Very brownish-auburnish-fallish colored. I of course put them on immediately. We ended up in Red Lodge. We drove through Columbus and Absarokee, which is the most beautiful drive ever. I wish I would have had the camera. It was gorgeous. So many beautiful changing trees everywhere. Once we got to Red Lodge we checked into the Chateau Rouge and got a condo. The check-in lady mentioned that there woudl be 5 of us, so I knew something was up. Then Luke and I drove back downtown and walked along main street and checked out the stores. They had a really cute book store adn a fun toy store. And we got some bad coffee at a coffee shop. When we had just about finished checking things out the first guest arrived. It was.........LIZZIE! It was sooo good to see her. I miss lizzie so much. So we showed her the condo and then our second guests arrived....Christel & Kevin!!! yay! They had quite the adventure getting to Red Lodge. First, they took a little "shortcut" from Reed Point that brought them to...Columbus! and then along the shortcut they ran over a multi-tool and got a flat tire. But I was so excited to see them too! I hung out with Christel on Thursday and she gave no indication that they were coming. So sneaky! We had dinner at the Carbon County Steakhouse, which was delish! I had salmon with dill and lemon. We walked down to the Red Lodge grocery store to get ice cream, but alas, they close at 8 o'clock. what? Even the grocery store in T Falls stays open until 10. Then it was back to the condo for swimming, birthday cake, and hanging out. And presents. I have such amazing friends. Then the next morning we went to breakfast at the Red Lodge Cafe, tried to hit up the quilting shop (closed) and meandered back home. Luke did homework and watched a movie and made me dinner and I made two pies for the church pie auction. Yesterday was my actual birthday. It was wonderful too. Luke gave me a diamond tennis bracelet to match my diamond necklace that he got me for our first christmas together. Also, lots of cards, lunch with Chuck and Kathy, dinner with Okey and Bob, time with Luke....Such a wonderful day! Bob got me 4 chairs to match our "heritage" dining room table that his dad and Vicki's dad made for them when they got married. The chairs are beautiful. I love them. I want to get the table stained the same color as the chairs. Now we can put away the old table and just use the new one. Things are good! My husband is amazing. And I have wonderful friends and family. What more could a girl ask for?


TB said...

Boy, I am impressed w/that BD! and what a hard act to follow for you Kelsi! Oh, Happy Birthday! Glad to know you were celebrated and lavished w/awesome gifts! Now, back to the humdrum of week days. We aren't seeing much color yet, but the nights are cooling off. Give Luke a hug for me - you get one too! TB

Sam, Julie, Tucker & Maizie said...

Happy Birthday Kels!